Wednesday, May 31, 2023


 A risk assessment is a process of identifying potential hazards and analyzing what could happen if a hazard occurs. This assessment can be done for an individual, group, organization or business. There are numerous hazards to consider. For each hazard there are many possible scenarios that could unfold depending on timing, magnitude, and location of the hazard.

There are many “assets” at risk from hazards. First and foremost, injuries to people should be the first consideration of the risk assessment. Hazard scenarios that could cause significant injuries should be highlighted to ensure that appropriate emergency plans are in place. Many other physical assets may be at risk. These include buildings, information technology, utility systems, machinery, raw materials and finished goods. As you conduct the risk assessment, look for vulnerabilities—weaknesses—that would make an asset more susceptible to damage from a hazard. The impacts from hazards can be reduced by investing in mitigation. If there is a potential for significant impacts, then creating a mitigation strategy should be a high priority.

Possible Hazards

Natural Hazards
  • Meteorological -Flooding, Dam/Levee Failure, Severe Thunderstorm (Wind, Rain, Lightning, Hail), Tornado, Windstorm, Hurricanes and Tropical Storms, Winter Storm (Snow/Ice)
  • Geological -Earthquake, Tsunami, Landslide, Subsidence/Sinkhole, Volcano
  • Biological - Pandemic Disease, Foodborne Illnesses
Human-Caused Hazards
  • Accidents -Workplace Accidents, Entrapment/Rescue (Machinery, Water, Confined Space, High Angle), Transportation Accidents (Motor Vehicle, Rail, Water, Air, Pipeline), Structural Failure/Collapse, Mechanical Breakdown
  • Intentional Acts - Demonstrations, Civil Disturbance (Riot), Bomb Threat, Lost/Separated Person, Child Abduction, Kidnapping/Extortion, Hostage Incident, Workplace Violence, Robbery, Sniper Incident, Terrorism (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives), Arson, Cyber/Information Technology (Malware Attack, Hacking, Fraud, Denial of Service, etc.)
Technological Hazards
  • Information Technology - Loss of Connectivity, Hardware Failure, Lost/Corrupted Data, Application Failure
  • Utility Disruption - Communications, Electrical Power, Water, Gas, Steam, Heating/Ventilation/Air Conditioning, Pollution Control System, Sewage System
  • Fire/Explosion - Fire, Explosion (Chemical, Gas, or Process failure)
  • Hazardous Materials -Hazardous Material spill/release, Radiological Accident, Hazmat Incident, Transportation Accidents, Nuclear Power Plant Incident, Natural Gas Leak Supply
  • Supply Chain Interruption - Supplier Failure, Transportation Interruption

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