Friday, June 9, 2023

The Go-Bag/Bugout Bag

Whether you call it a Go-Bag or Bug-Out Bag it all starts with the Bag. And depending on your age and physical limitations this might be something you carry or perhaps has wheels for ease of transport. Either way you must have something to put all your Disaster Preparedness gear in.

When it comes to carrying a bag there are a lot of options on the market. Will you go with a backpack or a handbag, perhaps with a shoulder strap? I personally use both, however there is a clear difference between the two. What factors should you consider when deciding which type to use? Cost Construction Material Durability Payload Capacity Adaptability

Cost – Backpacks have a wide range when it comes to price. You can purchase some as cheap as $20 all the way up to $250.00 and more. How much should you spend? Find a bag that meets all your needs and then price out comparable options. Remember that you get what you pay for, and that’s true here as well. Less expensive bags usually cut corners on construction materials, stitching and payload capacity. Construction Materials – Here’s a tip. Most bags are not waterproof. Remember that when purchasing a bag. Is the bag made from Nylon, Canvas, Cotton, or some other material? If the bag is not waterproof, then remember to put the contents into some kind of waterproof container i.e., plastic bag. You can purchase a bag cover as well. Durability – Not all construction materials are created equal. Nylon, Canvas, Cotton, all have their usefulness. Remembering the purpose of the bag and the conditions under which it will be used is important. The military generally uses a Canvas material because it can take a beating out in the field. This is the type of bag I generally use as well. However, Canvas can be heavy thus adding weight to the setup. Other materials might be lighter, which can be an important factor. Payload Capacity – At first you might think the more gear the better. However, all that gear comes at a cost, weight. How much weight can you reasonably carry and for how long? While bags come with varying payload capacity it’s wise to think this one through. Let’s say you are in your later 40’s or early 50’s, it not reasonable to think that you can carry the same amount of weight as someone in their 20’s or 30’s. Could you carry a 40 lbs. handbag or backpack for a mile or two? Bigger is not always better because it can add unnecessary weight, just ask any long-distance hiker.

Adaptability – I like things that are adaptable. Versatility is a word that might also be used here. How many pockets does the bag have? Is it M.O.L.L.E. compatible? Will it fit a hydration bladder? I want my bag to do as many things as possible for me. Having items that serve multiple functions ultimately makes things easier to manage. We have a great selection of bags on our website. Click here to check them out or contact us for some help in selecting a bag. Just a disclaimer here, I sell, and recommend certain products and services in my blog and might be compensated for such recommendations/purchases.

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