Monday, July 31, 2023

The Importance of Air Quality

Air - the top priority on my Pillars of Disaster Preparedness. That’s because without it we don’t last long. If fact, as I sit writing this post here in Buffalo NY, we are currently under a “Very Unhealthy” air quality warning. This is due to forest fires in northern Ontario and Quebec that are over 500 miles away. This is a classic example that something that has happened far away and is completely out of our control can endanger your life. Watching the news, I see that this event is having a major impact on the entire Northeast including the cities of Boston and New York. Millions of people are being exposed to unhealthy air pollution and those with already compromised respiratory functions will be adversely affected. Here is a screen shot of our current Air Quality Indicator:

So, what can we do? First, we need to stay informed. Watch the news and weather reports and look for any announcement on your local emergency management apps as they relate to the severity of the situation in your area. Next, take appropriate action to protect yourself and your family. In our case here we are being asked to stay indoors if possible and close our windows and doors to limit our exposure to the tiny particulates in the air. If you work outside or must go out for some reason, then just try not to exert yourself as much as you might otherwise. Also, when driving in a car it would be best to have the windows closed and select the air flow to recirculate.

Wearing a KN-95 mask is never a bad idea to limit your exposure to particulates. And if you can move to a different location where the air is clearer that is always a good idea as well. Of course, if you start to feel the effects of exposure it might be a good idea to rest or seek emergency medical care if necessary. 

There is also a large selection of “gas masks” available on the market as well. It really all depends on you. What is your level of comfort? At what point do you feel you have taken reasonable precautions for you and your family. The answer to that question will be different for everyone.

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(These are my personal observations and opinions, yours may differ. Also, I sell and recommend certain products and services here and might be compensated for such recommendations.)

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