Thursday, August 24, 2023

Everyday Carry (EDC)

You may be already familiar with the acronym EDC. If not, it stands for “Everyday Carry”. That is a small container or bag that you take with you wherever go. The idea behind having an EDC with you at all times is it provides you with a level of comfort and confidence knowing that regardless of where you are you have access to at least a bare minimum of items you’ll need should some type of disaster happen. These are highly customizable for your specific needs and can vary in size from fitting inside a woman’s purse or backpack to a larger bag you leave in your trunk.

But are they really necessary? That’s up to you to decide, however I’m here to make the case why you should seriously consider having not just one, but several. The thing about disasters is you never know where you will be when one happens. You could be almost anywhere: work, traveling, vacation, commuting, shopping, or at home. Having access to even a few survival related items provides you with options. And a well thought out EDC can increase your level of comfort or even save a life. Just imagine you’re driving or commuting home from work when a bad storm hits grinding all traffic to a halt. There you are stuck in your car or on a train not knowing how long you will be there. Minutes turn into hours. You’re hot or cold, hungry and to top it off you must go to the bathroom. Now imagine this scenario stretches on for 12, 24, 48 hours before relief comes. What items would you wish you packed before leaving that morning? Now imagine your traveling by air across the country. You have a layover in Dallas. While there your connecting flight gets canceled because of bad weather on the other side. This weather event triggers a mass of cancelations and now you’re facing days of uncertainty. This scenario might sound all too real for some of you. But if you knew this was going to happen ahead of time, what items would you have packed before leaving for the trip? Is there anything in that checked bag that you wished you had now? All I’m saying is that the words found in the Bible at Eccl. 9:11 are true “because time and unexpected events overtake them all.” Unexpected events aka. Disasters. So, doesn’t it make sense to give it a little forethought and pack a few items that might ease ours or someone else’s suffering? For example: I live in Buffalo, NY. And many know that Buffalo is synonymous with snow, sometimes a lot of snow in a short period of time. People here have left work at the end of the day only to arrive home 48 hours later because of getting stuck on the road. Can you imagine being stuck in your car for 48 hours? How would you stay warm, fed, and use the bathroom? With some forethought all these necessary things can be addressed with an EDC box, kit, or bag in your trunk. My personal philosophy on this is to create multiple EDCs of various sizes and shapes and scatter them around in places I might need them. In future posts I will break down the content of some of these EDCs as an example of what you might want to include in yours.
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